Animal Decontamination is becoming a crucial issue as more households are welcoming pets. It's not just domestic pets but also livestock and horses that need proper decontamination. Thousands of animals require decontamination every year to improve their quality of life. However, managing contaminated animals requires expertise, and that's where GL Horsemanship comes in.
We provide training and education for developing animal decontamination capabilities. We provide processes allowing owners to restrain and decontaminate their animals safely. We offer training resources for animal decontamination teams, which are currently unavailable. If you're interested in getting your teams trained, please inquire today.
Livestock decontamination if done improperly can cause stress to the animals which could cause major health issues. The effects of stress on an animal are similar to those on humans. In both humans and animals, stress causes the body to release adrenaline and cortisol hormones. These chemicals cause heart rate and respiration to speed up and suppress the immune system.
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